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EVP is the abbreviation of "Elektronic Voice Phenomenon".

EVP is the generic term for sound recordings that are made by a paranormal event. The idea behind this is to record audio with electronic equipment. The theory is that the energy that makes us hear something, also can affect the electrical circuit of the recording equipment.

It will then seem possible to get spirits or ghosts to communicate.

EVP are said to be intelligent. This means EVP's can - at least in some cases - answer questions directly.

EVP recording has advantages:

  • EVP is proven to work.
  • Can be used to determine intelligence in a paranormal event. 

EVP also has disadvantages:

  • The big problem with EVP is to exclude ambient noise. Sensitive electronic equipment can easily  record audio from a radio frequency.
  • A very faint sound can be interpreted individually. "Hell", can be interpreted as "well".
  • EVP can not itself indicate a paranormal event.

EVP's are categorized into 3 categories:

Classification A EVP: "A clear and distinct voice or sound that is universally accepted and undisputed, because it can be understood by anyone with normal hearing and without being told what to listen for. It can be heard without the use of headphones."

Classification B EVP: "A voice or sound that is distinct and fairly loud. This class of voice is more common and can be heard by most people after being told what to listen for. It is usually audible to experienced persons who have learned the skill of listening to EVP. It can sometimes be heard without the use of headphones."

Classification C EVP: "A faint and whispery voice or sound that can barely be heard and is sometimes indecipherable and unintelligible. It may have paranormal characteristics, such as a mechanical sound. Most investigators would apply objectivity and disregard it, but may save it for reference purposes.