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Electromagnetic hypersensitivity is a condition that is not currently accepted as an actual disease.  However, there are several societies, that speak for the case of the sufferers.

The illness can be felt by: Headache, malaise, nausea and in severe cases of eczema.

Any electrical device gives off an energy-field that, at sufficient strength, can produce measurable effects on humans and other biological systems.
The fields must however be extremely powerful. The sources can be:

  • High-voltage lines.
  • Electrical transformer-stations
  • Routers
  • Defective indoors installations
EHS, as the disease is also called, can be perceived as a haunting. One feels uncomfortable and watched. Therefore, an investigation of the electrical environment is always the first priority in a cause of a haunting.
It is still unknown why some suffer from this disease. There are some theories that the fields emitted, destroys the body's chemical balance.
Power lines are known to have negative health-effects. In serious cases, they can cause illness. / WikiPedia / Wikicommons